The #WeMakeEvents campaign explained - and how you can help the events industry to survive

Leaders in the industry say the events sector is on the verge of collapse (Photo: Shutterstock)Leaders in the industry say the events sector is on the verge of collapse (Photo: Shutterstock)
Leaders in the industry say the events sector is on the verge of collapse (Photo: Shutterstock)

The coronavirus pandemic has devastated the events industry, with theatres, festivals and grassroots venues all under threat.

The majority of live events have been unable to take place since lockdown was called in the UK on 23 March, meaning over six months of hardship for those working in the sector to date.

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Across the world, individuals, businesses and organisations have all been facing similar issues, with millions losing income as a result of the pandemic.

Industry leaders have said that the events sector is now on "red alert", with an absence of support meaning the entire supply chain is at risk of collapsing.


A new movement - named #WeMakeEvents - has sprung up to advocate for the industry and demand immediate support from local governments to save them from eradication.

Wednesday 30 September marks a day of global action for companies, organisations and freelancers taking part in the #WeMakeEvents movement.

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From 8pm local time, thousands of places of work and venues around the world will light up in red, alongside projections, installations and outreach to governments and media - all intended to raise awareness of the hardship being faced by the sector, as well as drive change.

Celebrities worldwide - including Jack Black, Alice Cooper and Paloma Faith - have all backed the campaign, posting messages of support for the movement online.

In the UK, PLASA - the lead international membership body for those who supply technologies and services to the event and entertainment industries - has called on the government to provide "meaningful support" to the industry until events can return without the need for social distancing.

Some of the policies they've advocated for include:

  • Grants – not loans – made available to businesses in the events supply chain
  • Furlough scheme extended until the industry is back to work
  • Extension of the self-employment scheme, tailored towards the industry

How to help

#WeMakeEvents, along with a number of other organisations, are calling on members of the public to support the call for new protective measures.

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#WeMakeEvents has supplied a tool kit for those interested on their website. The tool kit has a number of suggestions for getting involved, including writing to your MP, sharing graphics and information on social media and filming a video of support.

You can also add your name to PLASA's campaign for more support at this link. Your name may be used in open letters to the government.