Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire warns of Coronavirus scammers

Stuart Tweedale. Lincolnshire Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner. EMN-200319-121348001Stuart Tweedale. Lincolnshire Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner. EMN-200319-121348001
Stuart Tweedale. Lincolnshire Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner. EMN-200319-121348001 | Other 3rd Party
The Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire, Stuart Tweedale, has issued a warning over scammers who may attempt to profit from the coronavirus situation.

Mr Tweedale warned that while we are living through difficult times, we need to be aware there are those who will use the current situation to exploit others for their own benefit.

He said: “I want to highlight the appalling situation that fraudulent emails, phone calls, text messages, posts via social media, even those who call at our doors and claim to be helping are using coronavirus as a cover story,

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“Fraudsters will then attempt to get recipients to disclose personal or financial information or click on links that may contain malware - which then will be used for their own fraudulent purposes.”

If you receive any such telephone calls emails etc, then contact Lincolnshire Police on 101, or Action Fraud ( or Tel 0300 123 2040) or Citizens Advice Scam Advice helpline (0808 250 5050 from 9am – 5pm).

For information, visit these websites:

A key message to remember is Take Five – STOP – CHALLENGE - PROTECT

Stop: Take a moment to stop and think before parting with your money or information could keep you safe

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Challenge: could it be fake? Its ok to reject, refuse or ignore any requests. Only criminals will try to rush or panic you.

Protect: Contact your bank immediately if you think you’ve fallen for a scam and report it to Action Fraud.