Licensing team checking reports of pubs and bars being open during lockdown

Police | jpimedia
Every report received by Lincolnshire Police of bars and pubs being open during lockdown is being investigated by our licensing team.

On Friday, the team carried our patrols in the east of the county, including premises in Boston, Skegness and Louth.

The team found premises completely shut and often in darkness, or in some instances legitimate renovation or decoration work was taking place.

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In one case, the owners of the pub were drinking in the beer garden, but no other people were present.

Environmental Health Service Manager at East Lindsey District Council, David Dodds, said: “It’s important pubs and bars adhere to the measures put in place to keep everybody safe currently and we are currently working with Lincolnshire Police in relation to these reports.

“Our Environmental Health Team are ready support the police with any enforcement action they may need us to take where the new regulations are being breached.”

Led by Sgt Kim Enderby, the licensing team regularly patrols across the county to make sure that premises are adhering to Government measures designed to prevent spread of the Coronavirus.

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Any pub or bar which continues to open could lose its licence and faces being fined.

Businesses are allowed to remain open if they are operating a collection or delivery service only.

Since the rules came into place last month the force has received 96 reports of pubs remaining open at different locations across the county. Each report has been investigated and so far none has been found to be in breach of the regulations.

Sgt Enderby said: “These measures have been introduced to stop the spread of the Coronavirus and to save lives, so we take any breaches extremely seriously.

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“Lincolnshire Police and our partners will take strong action against anyone flouting these regulations.

“We’ve received several reports of pubs and bars being open when they shouldn’t be, and I’d like to stress that we visit each premises to make sure they are adhering to the rules.

“The majority of these premises are also people’s homes, and this has accounted for most of the reports we’ve received.

“I appreciate that this is a difficult time for businesses, but this is about saving lives – and we will continue to patrol regularly across the county.”

• If anyone believes that a pub or bar is still opening despite the Government rules, call 101, or email [email protected]