Crackdown on Illegal waste a first for East Lindsey

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The first ‘Op Clean Sweep’ in East Lindsey has been carried out as part of the SCRAP Fly Tipping campaign.

The multi-agency operation near Horncastle, led by Lincolnshire Police, was aimed at the prevention and disruption of illegal waste activity.

East Lindsey District Council’s Enforcement team joined with Lincolnshire Police, the Environment Agency, HMRC and the Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency to stop vehicles that were carrying waste.

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A series of checks were carried out by the various agencies on the vehicles and the drivers, checking everything from road worthiness, to diesel tank dipping, to waste carrier’s licences.

A total of 32 vehicles were stopped resulting in the following –

• 5 DVSA prohibition notices issued & advice provided

• 1 ticket issued by Lincolnshire Police for no MOT & a negative breath test

• a targeted site visit to investigate environmental permits. Advisory letters issued

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• 2 Fixed Penalty Notices (£300 each) issued by ELDC for failure to provide a Waste Carriers Licence

• 9 Notices issued requiring production of Waste Carriers Licence within five working days

• 1 verbal warning for littering

• all vehicle diesel tanks dipped were clear of red diesel

Portfolio Holder for Operational Services, Councillor Martin Foster, said: “This has been an excellent start to the Operation and the fact that so many agencies have joined together, shows just how seriously it is taken here in East Lindsey.”

Inspector Sarah Constantine, of Lincolnshire Police said: “By tackling individuals who break the law, we also support our local businesses and traders who are licensed and legitimate. These type of offences and offenders impact on every part of our community.”