Go '˜quackers' for River Bain duck race

Duck race.Duck race.
Duck race.
Ducks in the River Bain will be joined by a few rubber replicas when a race kicks off in Horncastle this Saturday, May 12.

The duck race, organised by the PTA at Horncastle Community Primary School, will start at 11am.

Ducks will be released one side of the bridge, near Tesco, and race down the river to the other side of the bridge.

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The ducks will all be numbered, and there are cash prizes available for the first five ducks to finish.

First place wins £100, second wins £50, third wins £30, fourth wins £20 and fifth wins £10.

The owner of the last duck home will win a National Lottery ticket.

Tickets, priced at £1, will be sold before the race so there is still time to enter for your chance to win.

Proceeds from the duck race will go to the PTA who use the money they raise to help the school.