Plan for 50 new luxury rooms at hotel in Skegness wins approval

Sketch of the proposed extension at the Royal Hotel in Skegness.Sketch of the proposed extension at the Royal Hotel in Skegness.
Sketch of the proposed extension at the Royal Hotel in Skegness.
A major expansion adding 50 new luxury rooms to a historic hotel in Skegness is set to make the resort "a destination for coaches" after it won councillors’ approval.

Proposals for two additional accommodation blocks at the Royal Hotel were submitted to East Lindsey District Council by owner Taj Bola.

Mr Bola plans to erect the rooms on the west side of the hotel in Drummond Road in an area that is currently used for car parking.

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Built in the 19th century, the Royal has seen an ongoing programme of renovation and improvements over the years.

But the latest plans go beyond preserving the town’s heritage. Celebrating the approval of the plan, Mr Bola says Skegness is in real need of a hotel big enough to welcome coach parties and provide more "luxurious" accommodation.

"At present there is not a hotel large enough to exploit this potential trade, which means that the town is losing business to more competitive coastal regions," he told Lincolnshire World.

"The provision of a hotel of this size within Skegness would offer the opportunity to market the town as a coach trip holiday destination, which would be a great asset to the local economy.

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"It would also provide much needed beds in the town, as we have seen several planning applications over the winter from B&Bs and smaller hotels seeking for a change of use.”

It is planned that the layout of the proposed three-storey extension should form a courtyard on the west side of the existing hotel.

The design would be "a pastiche of traditional Victorian architecture, conforming to the style of the existing hotel".

"Materials are to match, but details may be embellished to give a more opulent feel," the application says.

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This includes importing materials from Dubai that "epimomise extravagance", Mr Bola added.

"Skegness has got great potential and I am out to give a higher offering to visitors," he said.

"We have done our research and the market is out there."

The plans were supported by Skegness Town Council but a number of neighbours in Lifeboat Avenue raised objections.

A letter signed by them said: "Drawings show windows on the south side all facing into rear gardens and the rear properties in Lifeboat Avenue which will completely remove the privacy of residents.”