World must ‘get serious’ about tackling climate change this year, says PM

World must ‘get serious’ about tackling climate change this year, says PM (Photo by Stefan Rousseau-WPA Pool/Getty Images)World must ‘get serious’ about tackling climate change this year, says PM (Photo by Stefan Rousseau-WPA Pool/Getty Images)
World must ‘get serious’ about tackling climate change this year, says PM (Photo by Stefan Rousseau-WPA Pool/Getty Images)

Boris Johnson will tell a summit of world leaders that 2021 must be the year countries “get serious” about stopping climate change.

The virtual summit is considered another waypoint ahead of the UN Cop26 talks in Glasgow in November.

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Today’s summit has been convened by US President Joe Biden who is expected to pledge to at least halve US greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 on 2005 levels.

UK targets 78% cut in emissions

Ahead of the event, Mr Johnson announced a “world-leading” target for the UK to cut emissions by 78% on 1990 levels by 2035.

The UK’s new target builds on its plan to cut emissions by 68% on 1990 levels by 2030, the most ambitious among leading economies.

But campaigners have warned that policies and action are urgently needed to deliver on the pledges and cut pollution from homes, transport, industry and power supplies.

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