With a combined age of 264 does any golf club have an older playing trio than Louth GC?

Deryck Hand, Bill Evans and Derycks Jeff HandDeryck Hand, Bill Evans and Derycks Jeff Hand
Deryck Hand, Bill Evans and Derycks Jeff Hand
Seniors captain poses question

Louth Golf Club believe they may have the eldest trio of active playing members in the county - and perhaps beyond.

New Seniors Captain Dave Stamp has challenged other clubs to see if they can better the combined age of Bill Evans, Jeff Hand and Deryck Hand - which stands at 264.

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Longstanding member Bill, who is regularly seen doing odd jobs around the club when not playing, is the most senior of the trio at 90.

Eighty-nine-year-old Jeff comes a close second at 89 while Deryck is what Dave describes as the ‘whippersnapper’ of the group at 85.

“We were wondering if any other club in the area could match this,” the new Seniors Captain asked.

“They’re fit as fiddles. They regularly beat players half their age.

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“An average round of golf at Louth is about five-and-a-half, six miles, so it’s very good for the health.”

But it’s not just fitness that attracts the three pals to the club. Deryck was the joint winner of last year’s Monday-Wednesday-Friday competition while Bill and partner came out on top at last year’s Ladies’ Invitation day.

If you think your club can top 264 years email [email protected]

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